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Quarter Peals 


1,288 April Day Triples

1,260 April Day Triples

35264 Before
56342 Before
64523 Before
42536 Before and 4/5 down
Repeated 4 times



23654 PPP-P
53246 --PPP
34265 PP--P
Repeated 6 times

(Calling supplied by Sean Smith - more music than the 1,288 opposite)

April Day is Plain Bob with Grandsire Singles as calls

1,260 Grandsire Triples by Kate Rouse

1234567 1 2
1436257 S -
1635472 - -
1537642 S -
1734526 - -
1432756 S -
6 part

All courses are 3 lead courses.
Nice calling by one-time Bathwick ringer Kate Rouse.

1288 Grandsire Triples by R W Willans

- 752634 1
s 567423 5
- 345267 1
s 543267 4
- 435267 4
- 354267 4
s 453267 4
four part
I know that it is still a favorite amongst some bands, but many a ringer dreads a quarter of grandsire that starts with a bob at one just in case its that bloody 1288 again.  The music is OK, but it has been rung to death.

1,288 Middlesex Triples

756234 In
367425 4ths
542367 Home
254367 Home
Repeated 4 times
Middlesex Triples is a Bathwick favorite, and  makes a nice change to the usual diet of Plain Bob and Grandsire.  We even rang a peal of it in dim and distant 1979.
Click here for the line

1,260 Plain Bob Triples

23546  M, In   
32546  4M
26543  M, S4ths, H
36542  3W
23465  M, Out, 4H
64352  SB, W, H
  W, H

4M = --s-
3W = -s-
4H = -s--
On the old eight, Plain Bob Triples seemed to be rung every other week.  This calling is from an old RW but I have lost the reference.  It's musical and a challenge to call.
M = first lead = 5ths place bell!!

1,260 Union Triples

25634 In out at 2
42563 B W
46325 In out at 2
34562 B W H
Repeated 5 times
Another of the Bathwick standards.  Union is one of the oldest Triples methods but is now seldom rung. Some of the earliest peals for the Bath & Wells were of Union, and it was pealed again at Bathwick in 1979.
Click here for the line

1,260 Surfleet Triples by David Floyd

234567   W  H
426357  x   -
254637      -
532467      -
365247      -
546327   -
624537   -
432657   -
354267      -
Repeated X3
x = In & Out


We have rung a few quarters of this recently.  It's as Union, except that 5ths is made just after the lead end rather than just before.  Like Union its asymmetrical.

Click here for the line

1260 Spliced Triples

Call the 7th before 18 times and then once wrong, changing method according to who is in the hunt:

hunt bell 2 3 4 5 6
2 Methods Single Oxford Single Oxford Grandsire Grandsire Single Oxford
3 Methods Single Oxford Single Oxford Grandsire St Clements Single Oxford
4 Methods Single Oxford Single Oxford Grandsire St Clements Double Oxford
5 Methods Single Oxford Single Court Grandsire St Clements Double Oxford

Good fun to call (how many befores have I called??), but lacks somewhat it the music department.  Still, to be recommended as some thing a bit different.


1,277 Grandsire Caters

1 2 3 4 5 123456789
-       S 142357968 (6)
- - -   125347968
- - -   154327968
- - S   132457968
- - S   145237968
- - S   123547968
- -       162345978 (6)
- - S   134265978
- - -     123465978
- - -     142365978
-   - S   134265879
- - -     123465879
- - -     142365879
- - -     134265879

One of my own which has been called a few times by David Floyd.  The 7968's make a change before the usual tittums and hand strokes.
I like the long course with the six in the hunt, and the four courses of hand strokes at the end.

1,259 Grandsire Caters  

1,295 Grandsire Caters

1 2 3 4 5 123456789
- - -     142356789
-     -   134256978 (6)
- - -     123456978
- -   -   132457968
- - -     143257968
- - -     124357968
S - -     132497568
- - -     143297568
- - -     124397568
S -   -   142356978
S     S   162345978
  - - -   124365978
-   - -   142365879
- - -     134265879
1 2 3 4 5 123456789
- - -     142356789
- - -     134256789
-     -   123456978 (6)
- - -     142356978
- - -     134256978
S -   S   123497568
- - -     142397568
- - -     134297568
S - -     123457968
- - -     142357968
-       S 134259876 (6)
  - - S   125439876
  - - S   143529876
  S S -   132547698
A variety of music to suit all tastes, although I'm never too sure about 97568's - they sound excellent at the course end, but seem to lose the plot during a 5 lead course.  Perhaps the answer is to ring 4 lead courses, continually swapping with 57968's as Albert Tyler did in his all the music peal composition.

1,295 Grandsire Caters by Kate Rouse

1 2 3 4 5 123456789
-     S   162354978 (6)
S     -   132465978
- - -     143265978
- - -     124365978
        - 134562978 (6)
- - S     123465978
- - -     142365978
- - -     134265978
-   - -   143265879
- - -     124365879
- 134562879 (6)
- - S     123465879
- - -     142365879
- - -     134265879

Half and half calling.  There are other variations about which are very similar to this.  Well worth ringing, with the long courses providing a welcome change to the usual 5 lead courses. (And yes Tom that first course is SIX leads long!!)

1,260 Grandsire Caters

1,277 Grandsire Caters

1 2 3 4 5 123456789
- S -     142356798
- - -     134256798
- - -     123456798
S     S   163425798
  - - S   142365798
- - -     134265798
- - -     123465798
- S -     142365789
- - -     134265789
- - -     123465789
S     S   153426789
  - - S   142356789
- - -     134256789
- - -     123456789

1 2 3 4 5 123456789
- S -     142356798
- - -     134256798
- - -     123456798
S     S   163425798
  - - -   132465798
- - -     143265798
- - -     124365798
-     -   132465879 (6)
- - -     143265879
- - -     124365879
        - 134562879 (6)
- - S     123465879
- - -     142365879
- - -     134265879


Variations on a theme - they both have "reverse tittums".  The first is an exact two part, whilst the second has a more conventional hand stroke finish.  Both have a nice range of near misses.  The 1260 can easily be extended to a peal.


1,260 Spliced Grandsire Caters / Royal

royal 1453267890
caters 1523467890
caters 1243567890
royal 1354267890
royal 1425367890
caters 1235467890
caters 1345267890
royal 1524367890
royal 1432567890
caters 1352467890
caters 1542367890
royal 1234567890


Each course is called 234


Bit unusual this one, but is easy to call and has plenty of big roll-ups.
720 Royal
540 Caters

Spliced Grandsire Caters / Cambridge Surprise Royal